Hi everyone! In this project, I will show you an amazing eight-legged robot in the Octopod style!
Transform the Compute Module 5 into a compact, open-source media streaming device with a surprising twist: LoRaWAN connectivity.
This is a unique picture frame with a retro twist—a functional floppy disk! It also doubles as an auto-save button for your PC!
let's build a flexible Arduino
Are you ready to create something both eerie and captivating?
I installed various EE design applications on the Ubuntu 22.04 desktop image of my KV260 including KiCad, and laid out a custom PCB with it.
Fast, high-accuracy, and power-efficient detection of PCB manufacturing faults
I decided it was time to add some necessary upgrades to my favorite (and most used) project of this year: my Fluke 87V Alarm Clock!
This is a complete tutorial on how to make your first-ever PCB
Pikachu shaped wearable PCB that glows it's cheeks and charges a LiPo Battery 💛
Make your own flowers, atleast PCB lily flowers that can change colors and can be combined together into a shiny bouquet 💐
Light up your wearables with this Nicla Sense Me LED shield!
Engineering and Art are perfectly miscible. This project is a step-by-step guide on creating aesthetic PCBs with Midjourney and Kicad.
Lets take a look at developing complex FPGA based Hardware based around a model based approach and SoM
Extract data items from a mmWave sensor, train a NN to diagnose pipeline defects, and inspect results w/ deformed pipe images on a web app.
RP2040-based bling that changes its LED color when it detects one of three keywords: "Pi", "3.14", or "Irrational"
What do you do when you have a broken Fluke 87V and some spare ATMEGA328Ps? Build an alarm clock!
Combines art and security into electronic sculpture
A device that uses an IMU, pressure sensors, and Arduino to map real-life movements to Minecraft
Capacitive touch, field programable whiteboard w/onboard LEDs & Piezo for keystroke feedback & Bluetooth keyboard for Text-To-Speech via iOS
Provide a checkout-free shopping experience letting customers create an online shopping list from products in their cart and pay via email.
A PCB Gift Box that looks great sitting on a desk or hanging on a holiday tree.
Detecting short circuits, open circuits and missing holes in PCB boards with Object Detection and deploying to a Raspberry Pi
I built this luminous lighting system and developed an Android app to control its various features and display real-time weather & gas data.