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All projects (79)
AMACS is a standalone solution for taking care of your aquaponic system by continously monitor & control using PSoC Analog Co-processor.
24/7 monitoring with CY8CKIT-048 PSoC® Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit and a Raspberry Pi
Control the parameters of temperature, humidity, lighting and check the access to the crop to automate the process.
Asthma and rhinitis can improve if we monitor the environment conditions of the place where we live, specially the habitat of mites.
Clap switch based lighting with motion and humidity sensing
Nursing call for care and attention of patients, with Visual, luminic and sound alarms. Prototype for 3 bedrooms, expandable to more rooms.
This project was based on therapeutic benefit through heat therapy in people suffering from idiopathic scoliosis
Here I will show how you can get data from any plant to create a focused controller, in this case i controlled temperature. (Pseudocode PID)
A dispenser that provides a pet's daily necessary food automatically.
Automated system to cultivate and guarantee adequate conditions for the growth of flowers, maintaining parameters of humidity and heat.
This system sends alerts to your smartphone when there is movement in the house, also allows monitoring the temperature of the place.
Define the optimum environment for sleep by applying ML to sensor data.
School System of innovative services. And Radio Electronic Multifunctional Intellectual Controller REMIC for classrooms, Cypress-based.
Sensing office conditions, this device can automate and save energy and time.
Save ALL the House Plants!
Smart trailers and intermodal containers data logger.
Touch the sensor and the device will tell you current time and optionally temperature as well. No external memory used.
Do you have plants, but often find yourself too busy to take care of them? Now you can change that!
A heart rate counter using the Cypress Analog Coprocessor Pioneer kit.
This front door monitor will not only tell you the outside temperature and humidity but it will sense when it is daylight.
Using PSoC and LinkIt ONE send analog sensor values to Blynk and then, with the power of IFTTT control your smart devices based on the data!
Using the battery voltage of a automobile is more cool to obtain speed engine than a ordinary magnetic pickup
An automatic system for recognizing any visitor who has already been to the house before through deep learning in facial recognition.